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Safe Schools Healthy Students

General Project Information:


The Safe School Healthy Student initiative is a collaboration of more than 11 key community organizations that have formed a partnership to promote:

*   The healthy development of school-age children

*   Provide mental health services and prevent violence in youth by using evidence-based programs with

    demonstrated long-term positive effects

The North Adams Community Schools will serve as the lead agency and fiscal agent for the Safe Schools Healthy Students Grant.  The three school corporations within Adams County serving 6,600 students (Adams Central Community Schools, North Adams Community Schools, and South Adams Schools) will be the service area of this project. 


This federally sponsored project involves five elements:

1. Safe School Environments and Violence Prevention Activities

Violence prevention curriculums/training (Bullying Prevention “Olweus”)

Increased law enforcement visibility and participation for school safety (School Resource Officer)

Written plans for school safety, security, and evacuation to include:  Tactical site surveys/climates audits

  with school safety/emergency response planning and drills

In-service training in safety protocols for school staff

• Training/Support


2. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention Activities

• Student Assistance Program in each school corporation to include:  Counseling, peer support groups,

  social skills training, awareness education regarding substance abuse and assessment, treatment, and

  aftercare for students suspected of needing services

Substance abuse prevention activities on school campuses (“Too Good for Drugs” & Project Journey)

Substance abuse awareness training for students, school staff, parents/families

Assistance with transition back to school for students who have had problems with alcohol and/or other

  drug use

• Social Marketing Campaign

• Training/Support


3. Student Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Supports

• Adams County Community Corrections Out Of School Suspension Program (RISQ)

• Boys/Girls Club Program (SMART Moves Curriculum and Parenting Wisely)

• Mentoring Program for Adams County youth ages 6 to 14

• Training/Support


4. Mental Health Services

Mental health professionals will provide school based mental health services to include screening,

   assessment, referrals, group and individual therapy along with case management

Access to other appropriate mental health services by referral

• Training/Support


5. Early Childhood Social and Emotional Learning Programs

• Certified Preschool Teacher and support of paraprofessionals

• “High Scope” accreditation for pre school teachers

• “Second Step” Program

• Healthy Kids Fair

• Training/Support


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